
Contact information

Global Healthcare Information Network
Corner House, Market Street,
Charlbury, Oxford OX7 3PN, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1608 811899


Fred Bukachi is a cardiovascular physician with a strong interest in health informatics. He previously worked as HealthNet co-ordinator and regional director for Eastern and Southern Africa. He has also served as a consultant, board member and advisor to several international organizations working to improve access to health information in Africa. He has written and spoken extensively on the subject of using information and communications technologies to access health information in Africa.

Tracy Eastman is a medical doctor and health manager, trained at the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa (SA). She worked in general and rural clinical practice in SA, Canada and the UK (1992-97), as a health manager responsible for Maternal & Neonatal service delivery in the Western Cape, SA (1998-2000), implementing Health IT systems in hospitals in SA (2001-2004) and the UK (2005-2010), was Director of the BMJ Evidence Centre (2012-2014) and led the BMJ /UCT Knowledge Translation Unit (KTU) global health partnership (2015-2020) implementing "PACK" (Practical Approach to Care Kit), a primary health care strengthening programme, working with colleagues in SA, Brazil, Nigeria and Ethiopia. Professional interests: Primary care, Public health, Global health, Health service management, Health IT, Health Knowledge management. Collaboration and partnership to enable and improve health services for the most needy in LMIC communities.

Neil Pakenham-Walsh is the coordinator of Healthcare Information For All. He was formerly chair of the Dgroups Foundation (, a partnership of 18 international development organisations promoting dialogue for international health and development. He started his career as a hospital doctor in the UK, and has clinical experience as an isolated health worker in rural Ecuador and Peru. For the last 25 years he has been committed to the global challenge of improving the availability and use of relevant, reliable healthcare information for health workers and citizens in low- and middle-income countries. He has worked with the World Health Organization, the Wellcome Trust, Medicine Digest, Partnerships in Health Information (Trustee) and INASP (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications), and is based near Oxford, UK.

Jonathan Parker is an independent publishing consultant with special expertise in marketing, including considerable experience in developing countries. He established and developed the Elsevier international student edition programme, and has an increasing interest in health information issues in developing countries.

Rachel Stancliffe has a background in demography and public health and experience in medical publishing and the use of evidence. She is the Founding Director of The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, Oxford (

Global Healthcare Information Network CIC. Registered in England and Wales. Community Interest Company No. 5585330


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